Cosmo ᓚᘏᗢ

# Music

My music choices are considered 'volatile' at best. It changes almost every year or so. However, my most favorite genre is Rock. My most favorite band is also, God's favorite band, Green Day. Other than Rock, I am currently into a very obscure genre, known as "Shoegaze" or more commonly "Dream pop". It can also be linked to Alt rock, however, shoegaze feels like a genre in and of itself.

The music service I use is Spotify. I have a premium plan which I got for very cheap and I have all my playlists set up there. It's very cool. There are currently 4 playlists I mainly listen to:

- seasons under sky - a playlist that contains my all-time favorites, no genre specific
- pure, uncut rock - contains my all-time favorite jams, rock genre only
- shoegazing at stars - the recent playlist i made for all my shoegaze music
- hindi gems - this playlist is all for my hindi songs, i play this mainly during travel

If you look at those playlists, you will have an idea of what music I like. I am not writing every song I liked individually, as that would be absurd. Oh, and here is my Spotify profile.